Blizzard you want Rogues to be top DPS because they are a pure DPS class. So what is the deal? What Rogues bring to the raid is pure, hard, fast, top DPS. Now your taking that away now? I guess your happy with Hunters because as a raid Rogue, Hunters are barely .01% below Rogues on the DPS meters. With other classes getting buffs and able to bring more to a raid than top DPS why would you bring a Rogue?
How about this. Buff other classes DPS to be closer to that of a Rogue? Instead of lowering the top end damage of a class that can do nothing but help a tank hold agro better, do good DPS, and vanish to save on repair bills.
I will be leveling my hunter from 72 to 80 this weekend. The warlock is still just to "stay in 1 place and hope they die before they become immune to fear with no escapes and do sub par DPS" class.
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