It has taken me 6 days 1 hour 33 mins and 15 seconds completing a little over 1000 quests to go from 1 - 80 on my Paladin. I used heirloom items from level 1, made sure I always logged out in an inn, and did not work on any professions.
What I have learned about my classes spec while leveling...
Nothing I could not have picked up from a practice dummy, a few minutes reading over elitist jerks forums, and designing a few handy macros. I basically pressed 3 buttons from 1 - 50 then added a fourth at level 50 - 80. Because I play on a pvp server I did have to use my bubble, /wave, harth button a few times when the occasional level 80 tried to gank me.
Do we really need 6 days of play time to learn a class?
No. In fact Blizzard should have an option to start at level 80 if you already have an 80. Once you raided with other classes you have a very good idea what is needed to play that class well. Questing does nothing but teach us how to be better questers NOT better players. I could have mastered those 4 buttons in 15 minutes or less.
Now what?
I am going to work on engineering and maybe armorsmithing. My two specs are going to be holy/ret for pve and pvp. So far pvp healing on a Paladin is fun fun fun. Can't stop the healing powerhouse from getting 10k healing crits. Muahhaa
Solo questing isn't meant to teach you how to group with other players. You chose to power level your pally eschewing opportunities to learn how to group with your toon (which admittedly you already knew how to do but others don't). Quests are there to provide an enjoyable way to learn the basics of the abilities and explore the WoW and immerse yourself in the lore. Blizz recognized that it shouldn't have to take 2 weeks of playtime to get to 80 but that doesn't mean it should only take 20 mins. Just my opinion.